III Software advances the security of our site.
Our secure (https) pages now support up to 256-bit encryption! This is a substantial improvement over the standard 128-bit encryption commonly supported by most web sites. In encryption, 256-bit is not just twice as much as 128-bit. Its 2^128 times more secure, which a very large number!
Not all browsers support the higher encryption standard. If your browser shows 128-bit encryption, we suggest you look at the latest version of Firefox. Our site has been tested with Firefox (and above) and works flawlessly at 256-bit encryption.
We selected Starfield as our new certificate provider primarily because of the high-grade security their certificate provides. You will find the "Starfield Secure Web Site" icon at the bottom-left of the homepage and at the bottom of this page. Visitors to our site can verify the site's security certificate at any time by clicking on the "Starfield" icon or by examining the certificate in their browser.
To our clients and visitors, this is just another demonstration of our firm commitment to providing the most secure environment possible. Clients can rest easy knowing that their data is protected by the highest standards available.