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Fcrypt3 version v3.4.r3 has been released. Fcrypt3 is the third generation of III Software's file encryption tool.

There are over 25 new or enhanced features in Version 3, making it the most aggressive release to date. Below are some of the more significant changes.

  1. Keys are substantially stronger
  2. Compression prior to encryption is now included in the product
  3. Each encryption pass modifies the encryption algorithm to produce unique results, even when encrypting the same file
  4. Encrypted files and key files contain a signature to ensure the proper keys were used -and- that the package was not tampered with in transit
  5. Password encryption now generates very strong key variations

There were many other changes to the product. Full release notes are available in the "Documents" section of the Client Menu. Full documentation is available in the distribution package.

Fcrypt3 Availability
Fcrypt3 is available immediately. If you would like Fcrypt3 keys issued, please use the "Contact Support" link on your client menu.

Fcrypt3 Information
Documentation and release notes are included in the package. In addition, information can be found on the Fcrypt3 page in the Products section. Fcrypt3 Release Notes are also available.

Fcrypt2 Support
The release of Fcrypt3 v3 marks the end of support for Fcrypt2. Support will be terminated after 7/31/2007. The software will continue to function, but we can no longer respond to any problem reports or questions. Because of the superior nature of Fcrypt3, please consider upgrading rather than continuing to use the older product.

Fcrypt3 is a symmetric cipher file encryption engine. It is based on the popular Blowfish algorithm which permits keys sizes up to 448-bits. Fcrypt was originally designed to securely encrypt data such that it could be transferred over insecure links without fear of disclosure. It is a command line utility so is easily used in almost any of the Windows scripting languages (including .cmd, .bat, WSH, etc.)

Fcrypt was originally released in 1999, with a substantial upgrade in 2001 (Fcrypt2). Since Fcrypt2 was released, over 5,000 users have relied on it to protect their data during transit over the Internet, even over insecure connections.

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Page: iii/news/news-00016.shtml       Last Modified: 9/14/2009